Harry Meade

For Harry Meade, 2024 has truly been a testament to the saying, “teamwork makes the dream work.” With careful preparation and unwavering perseverance, Harry’s foresight is paying off!

1. What has been your proudest moment this year?

I was most proud of the herculean effort from our home team at Church Farm to so successfully produce a stable-full of top horses.  This culminated in having a very strong hand going into Burghley. Previously only three riders (Andrew Nicholson, Oliver Townend and myself) had ever started Burghley on three horses in a single year, which is the maximum number a rider is allowed to compete, but in 2024 I had five horses entered, all of whom had genuine chances of success. This had been a ten-year-long project to produce the horses through the grades and get to that level with real confidence. I knew that the odds of all five being fit, sound, in form and ready to go by the start of the event were slim, but thanks to hard work, meticulous preparation and management from the team, the quintet were in the form of their lives and ready to run. We had to select the best three chances, so Cavalier Crystal, Annaghmore Valoner and Superstition carried the mantle for the whole yard.  They each performed out of their skins, finishing 3rd, 4th and 12th respectively. I hadn’t realised that in doing so I became only the second rider in Burghley’s sixty-four year history to finish on three horses (joining Andrew Nicholson).

2. Did you achieve any major goals or milestones in 2024? If so, what were they? 

Winning Bramham with Annaghmore Valoner was a big moment; it’s arguably the toughest four-star in the world, and in some ways is more difficult than some of the five-star events. I hadn’t won it before so it was a special time, especially as my whole family were there. It was the event’s 50th anniversary, and 49 years since my father won there!

3. What has been your standout event of the year?

Although our biggest win was at Bramham in the 4*L, Burghley with three horses was our standout event. Finishing with two horses in the top four was unimaginable. Cavalier Crystal was 3rd there in 2023 and repeated this feat in 2024, narrowly beating her stablemate onto the podium. The geeks who follow the results more closely than we do said I am the only rider in Burghley’s history to have finished on their dressage score twice (in 2007 with Midnight Dazzler and in 2024 on Cavalier Crystal). 

4. Which horse has surprised you or impressed you the most this year and why?

Annaghmore Valoner has gone from slightly lacking self confidence to being a 4*L winner (Bramham) and a top 5* prospect having finished 4th at Burghley on her debut. She’s a lovely sweet-natured mare who is a bit unsure of the world but is deeply kind-hearted. This has been her breakout year and I’m so happy that she’s flourishing.

5. What are you most excited for next year? 

I’m excited to be going into the year with a lovely team of horses, and a bunch aiming for the big spring five-star events at Kentucky and Badminton.

And the goal for 2025… To win a Five-Star!

Cameron Beer

For Cameron Beer, 2024 has been a year of milestones, new beginnings, and proud moments as he rebuilds his string of horses and celebrates their progress.

Cameron’s journey came full circle this year as his beloved mare, who started his eventing career, gave birth to her third and final foal. This addition to the yard promises to be a future superstar and continues Cameron’s dream of building a yard full of talented, cherished horses.

Two of Cameron’s horses achieved a significant milestone by completing their first FEI international competitions. Reflecting on this achievement, Cameron shared how these moments feel even more meaningful now, as he works with younger horses to rise through the ranks.

Bicton’s October International was a season highlight for Cameron, as both of his horses completed their first long-format FEI events. Gatsby, his talented young gelding, stole the show with a brilliant 3rd place finish. Adding to the magic of the weekend was seeing his mum, his greatest supporter, win her section in the Redpost 3DE and secure a spot at the Badminton Grassroots Championships.

Gatsby has proven himself as a rising star in Cameron’s yard. Despite a setback in 2023, he has exceeded expectations this year, moving up to Novice with ease, earning multiple top placings, and completing and placing 3rd at his first 2* long format event at Bicton.

Looking ahead, Cameron is eager to see his horses step up to new challenges. Backing his first homebred 4-year-old and introducing other youngsters to their first events will undoubtedly be key moments. For Gatsby and Bamba, the goal is to contest their first 3* long classes, with a potential exciting surprise for Gatsby if all goes to plan.

Robert Murphy

Robert Murphy has had an unforgettable year, marked by personal milestones, consistent performances, and exciting progress with his horses.

One of Robert’s proudest achievements this year was jumping in his first Rolex Major at the Dutch Masters.

Robert set his sights on performing consistently in Nations Cup competitions and climbing the world rankings in 2024. Reflecting on his season, he’s proud of how well he achieved those goals, steadily rising through the ranks and making his mark on the international scene.

Competing at the Brussels Stephex Masters was a standout moment for Robert. As his first 5* Nations Cup show, it represented a significant milestone in his career.

Robert’s talented horse, Kannem, has been a standout partner this year. Described as possibly the best horse he’s ever ridden, Kannem has grown into a remarkable athlete with exciting goals ahead in 2025.

Robert is eagerly anticipating the return of the Nations Cup competitions, which remain a focal point of his ambitions. As Robert looks to the future, his main goal is to climb as high as possible in the world rankings and to compete in his first 5* Nations Cups.

photo credits @bossmaremedia

Alice Watson

Alice Watson’s 2024 has been a year of quiet achievements and exciting progress. From bringing along a talented team of young horses to reaching a long-awaited personal goal

Alice’s homebred 5-year-old, Extra Zest TH, has been a source of immense pride this year. As the first offspring of her beloved Billy Lemon, Extra Zest has shown promise as a future superstar. Alice has taken a careful approach to her training, ensuring this special mare’s talent continues to shine in the years to come.

While competition has taken a quieter turn this year, Alice has celebrated a decade-long dream by beginning a self-build at her yard. Creating a home where she can live alongside her horses marks a huge personal milestone and a pivotal moment in her journey.

Alice’s 4-year-old Pashmina delivered an exceptional performance at the British National Young Horse Championships. Jumping clear in both qualifiers and the final, she earned equal 1st place and the clear round bonus. With her brave attitude and scopey stride, Pashmina has earned her spot as a standout member of the team

Looking ahead, Alice is thrilled to bring out her young team, including Extra Zest TH, Pashmina, and other rising stars like Omega V, One In a Million VII, Sublime TH, and Viva Lemon Fever TH. While the British Young Horse Championships will be a key target, Alice emphasises the importance of prioritising her horses’ long-term development over short-term results.

Chloe Reynolds

Chloe Reynolds’ 2024 has been a testament to the rewarding journey of producing young horses and celebrating their successes both near and far.

Two horses produced by Chloe’s stables achieved incredible milestones this year. Highlander, who was developed to 1.45m classes and CSI 2* level before being sold to the USA, is now placing in Junior Young Rider classes and making Chloe proud with his continued success. Another graduate of the yard, Uptons Tribon, has stepped up to her first 5* classes – a monumental achievement for the team.

While 2024 didn’t include major personal milestones, it has been a strong year for Chloe’s business, with a yard full of talented horses being carefully produced for future success. Chloe sees this year as a valuable step toward even greater achievements ahead.

The biggest surprise of the year has been Caballero Z, a 6-year-old who joined Chloe’s team last year as a newly backed youngster. In just one year, he has progressed to winning at 1.30m level and qualified for three Blue Chip Championship qualifiers.

With a stable full of talented horses and a proven track record of producing stars, Chloe looks forward to continuing the rewarding process of developing future champions.

Oliver Tuff

For Oliver Tuff, 2024 has been a year of change and fresh opportunities. With several older horses moving on to pastures new or enjoying a well-earned retirement, the focus has shifted to an exciting new generation of talent.

Moneypenny has been the highlight of Oliver’s year, delivering consistent success and winning nearly everywhere she went. Always on top form, she’s proven herself as a reliable and talented partner.

As his team evolves, Oliver is excited about the arrival of two older horses, Pica de Muze and Peter Pan. These seasoned horses bring experience and Oliver is eager to get them into the ring in the new year.

The future looks bright with an exciting group of young horses in the yard. A 4-year-old stallion, Star, a 6-year-old named Starboy, and a 7-year-old called Naomi are all showing great promise. Oliver is looking forward to guiding them through the Newcomers and Foxhunter levels and seeing where their journeys take them.

Michael Tuff

For Michael Tuff, 2024 has been a year of expansion, progress, and setting the foundations for an exciting future.

This year marked a major milestone for Michael with the expansion of his yard. Bringing in more horses and creating the setup he’s been striving for has been a long-term goal

Rather than a single standout show, Michael reflects on a consistent year of success. His young horses have shown steady progression, delivering solid performances across events.

Among the horses, Mac has been particularly impressive, stepping up to become more competitive and consistently jumping clear at 1.40m. After a long journey to get to this level, Mac’s progress has been a rewarding achievement.

Looking ahead, Michael is enthusiastic about his strong team of horses and staff. The focus for 2025 will be on developing young horses and targeting young horse classes. Aiming to qualify one of his horses for the prestigious Lanaken Young Horse Show is a key objective, as well as continuing to strengthen the string of horses in his yard.
