About the tester: Mikey Tuff is a Redpost Rider who runs a professional schooling and jumping yard with his girlfriend Harriet from their base in Devon. Mikey is jumping up to CSI2* level including competing at the London Global Champions Tour.

About the product: NAF Superflex Senior is a unique formulation providing a high specification of key joint support nutrients for horses, working in synergy with rich natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and naturally sourced antioxidants to support healthy, flexible joints in older horses and ponies still leading active lives.

What were your first impressions? “I really wanted something to support Cupidam (Dan) in his showjumping career. I was recommended NAF Superflex Senior. I liked that it had quite few active ingredients known to help support healthy joints so wanted to give it a go!”

How did you test the product? “Dan has been on this supplement for a couple of years now. It has been great at keeping him jumping at the top levels especially for showjumping tours when he is jumping so frequently. Because his joints are under so much strain and he is an older horse, it was nice to know that we are doing everything we can. From his post-riding leg care, right down to his feeding routine, we are doing everything to keep his joints working their best.”

What was your favourite feature? “I like that you can change the feeding rate. We feed Dan on the low maintenance when he is in lighter work and up it to the standard maintenance when he is out jumping frequently. This is great to keep him ticking over but supporting him when he needs it most.”
