Left something behind or had a malfunction?
Shop online with Redpost now for delivery directly to the Bicton Arena! Order before 3pm for delivery the following day! This amazing service is running from Thursday 24th October until Sunday 27th October – Orders can be placed from Monday 21st October!
To place your order, follow these easy steps:
- Head to redpostequestrian.co.uk
- Choose the products you need.
- Head to your shopping basket and select your payment method.
- At step 2, click delivery.
- Enter your usual delivery address.
- At step 3, select Bicton Click & Collect under Delivery Options
- Complete your order!

Orders must be placed before 3pm and be in stock, please do not choose products which have a status of ‘In Warehouse’ as these are not available for next day delivery.
Psst the estimated delivery over the weekend may show as Monday but we promise it will be coming the next day!
If you have any questions or queries, please call us 01803 812040 or email [email protected]