About the tester: Ellen is Redpost’s Marketing Assistant and has recently moved down to Devon with her horse Jack, who she has owned since she was 13.

About the product: The Carr & Day & Martin Belvoir Tack Cleaning Mitt is a must-have to keep in your tack room or in your lorry at shows. It is a convenient, glove-shaped single-use wipe that removes surface dirt and mud from leather with ease. It requires no water and leaves no mess, and it can also be used on synthetic leather

What were your first impressions? “I initially thought this tack cleaning mitt was a really great idea. It seemed convenient that you could clean your tack without water – which somehow makes it feel like less of a task. I can assume that this is great for the colder weather as well if you don’t have access to warm water it can stop you having to get your hands wet.”

How did you test the product? “As usual, before our last competition I put off doing my tack cleaning to the very last minute and ended up in a bit of a rush. I had the tack cleaning mitt ready to hand so decided to give it a go. I was slighlty apprehensive as I have really sensitive skin and was hoping the product wouldn’t irritate it. I used the mitt on my saddle, bridle, girth and riding boots. I loved it! It was so convenient and had such a large surface area it cleaned my saddle in about two minutes. It was also really good at getting in crevices that would usually be hard to reach with a bulky sponge. I used one mitt to do it all, turning it inside out when it got a bit dirty and gave it a refresh with some water when it was drying out slightly. It brought my saddle out in such a nice shine before I had even conditioned it which was nice to see and also didn’t irritate my skin which was another bonus and I will now be using this all the time!”
